воскресенье, 11 ноября 2012 г.

Дорогие учащиеся! Этот блог вашего преподавателя Листопад Аллы Геннадьевны!
Он предназначен для детального изучения некоторых аспектов нашего школьного курса.
На данном изображении вы видите собаку породы хаски. Это очень дружелюбные собаки, не способные укусить человека ни при каких условиях. Есть одна основная характеристика хаски, которая и по сей день приводит людей в восторг. Ее уникальная выносливость и возможность приспособиться к любой ситуации, к любому климату. Ранее собаки были ездовыми и выполняли огромное количество необходимостей человека, в настоящий момент собак хаски используют для охраны или же охоты, ти владельцы собак чувствуют себя поистине защищенными. Характеристика хаски - положительная во всех отношениях, наверное, именно по этой причине она настолько популярна. 
Я выбрала эту картинку не просто так. Ведь английский язык  очень важен и он помогает дружить не только с людьми в России, но и по всему миру. Но выучить язык не так просто, поэтому нам необходима выносливость, которая характерна этим замечательным собакам! 
Желаю удачи!


Dear students, here you will be suggested different tasks on different topics.
You need to be active because i will evaluate your speed as well.
For each task done you may get:
5 - the task is done correctly and on time
4 - the task done on time but with a few mistakes
3 - the task is done with a delay or/and with some mistakes
2 - the task is done badly or is not done


The course consits of 3 modules.
Each module consists of the following tasks:
Module 1. Vocabulary. (poll and the table)
Module 2. Vocabulary and Grammar
Module 3. Vocabulary, Grammar and the Dialogue,
Each task must be finished not later than we finish this module in your course books. 

Useful links.

Module 1. Family and Friends. Vocabulary.

After reading the text on page 42, please, submit your opinion here. 

Module 1. Vocabulary.

Dear students, please work with the dictionary and fill in the table.

Module 2. Vocabulary

Create a factfile about you favourite celebrity and post it there

Module 2. Grammar.

Study the rule and then do the quiz

We use 'can' to talk about 'possibility'.
  • Can you do that?
  • I can't manage to do that.
  • You can leave your car in that parking space.
  • You cannot smoke in here.
Notice that there are two negative forms: 'can't' and 'cannot'. These mean exactly the same thing. When we are speaking, we usually say 'can't'.
We use 'can' to talk about 'ability'.
  • I can speak French.
  • I can't drive.
We use 'can' to ask for and give permission. (We also use 'may' for this but is more formal and much less common.)
  • Can I speak to you or are you too busy?
  • You can use my phone.
  • You can't come in.
We use 'can' in offers, requests and instructions.
  • Can I help?
  • Can you give me a hand?
  • When you finish that, you can take out the garbage.
We use 'can' with 'see' 'hear' 'feel' 'smell' 'taste' to talk about something which is happening now . (Where you would use the present continuous with most other verbs.)
  • I can smell something burning.
  • Can you hear that noise?
  • I can't see anything.
We can use 'can't' for deduction. The opposite of 'can't' in this context is 'must'.
  • You can't be hungry. You've just eaten.
  • You must be hungry. You haven't eaten anything all day.
  • He was in London one hour ago when I spoke to him. He can't be here yet.

Module 3. Grammar.

Study this rule, please and write your own examples of Imperative sentences about traffic rules for the pedestrians here
For example:
Close the door.
Give me the keys. 

The above form is used if a person gives an order to another person or to a group of people. But if the imperative includes oneself in the group of people who receive the order the words "Let us" or "Let's" are added before the infinitive in the sentence. 

For example:
Let's eat something, we are all hungry.
Let us be happy, we are all fine.

In order to create a negative form of an imperative, place "do not", "don't" or "let's not" in front of the infinitive form of the verb (again without "to").

For example:
Don't go, I need you here.
Let's not be sad, we are all fine.

The imperative form can also be used to make a request, if you add "please" to the imperative sentence. You can also add "Would you" instead or in addition to "please" (which can be a question or a polite order).

For example:
Please come, I need you there.
Please don't go, I need you here.

More examples:
Stand up when I speak to you (order)
Press the button in order to activate the machine (instruction)
Do not touch it, it is hot! (warning)
Take a left at the corner (advice, suggestion)

Module 3. Vocabulary

Dear students, here's a list of words that you need to translate using the dictionary.
After that, please, using the words, write a vocabulary story in the comments below.

Module 3. Dialogue

You will watch the video about traffic signs. After watching the video, imagine you are the teacher at a driving school. Test your students on how they know the signs. Make a dialogue with your partner. One of you is a teacher, the other is a student. Record yourselves and post you dialogues on the web page

пятница, 26 октября 2012 г.